Reiki Northwest -School of Healing Arts

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Inner Peace


Channeling the life force energy can leave you with feelings of peace, relaxation and security.

Reiki Northwest Healing Arts Inner Peace Plan

Through a combination of Healing modalities we design a Unique Inner Peace Plan Just for you.

Call 541-343-0808 to schedule an appointment

The Inner Peace Plan changes our Unique perspective so that

We can make more conscious decisions.


The RNW Inner Peace Plan Combines Reiki, Repatterning and Sound Healing. It is designed to change your Quantum field so that you attract and give off positive information on a vibrational level. When this occurs, you not only change your experience of the world around you, but you dramatically affect the world at large in a positive and loving way. We are the ripple on the pond.

Start today!

Be the change you wish to see!


Reiki calms our emotions and allows us to adopt a more peaceful mindset. We often allow our emotional impulses to be expressed through our physical actions in an effort to ease the feelings of pressure within us.


Repatterning helps us to Intentionally  choose to detach from the intensity of our emotions and adopt a more peaceful state of mind, so that we won’t feel so driven to make impulsive decisions, and we can better determine the actions that would result in favorable consequences. We are then able to make wise, conscious decisions that will create more beneficial circumstances in our lives. Choosing to release your unsettled emotions and focus on more peaceful thoughts today will help you make wiser decisions that will enhance your life.


Sound Healing sets into our body these conscious choices we have made to live a more calm peaceful joyful life.


Call today for your Personal Energy Assessment

Appointment to a New You and a New World View

We guarantee that the Inner Peace Plan will change your life, and the lives of those around you.


(Free with purchase of one of our  Radiant Healing Into Wholeness Packages)

Reiki Northwest
1414 Kincaid Ave
Eugene, OR 97401


"Thank you for being a part of the Positive Change!"

Reiki Northwest Practitioners!



"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." Written by Max Ehrmann in the 1920s