Reiki Northwest -School of Healing Arts

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Reiki For Children

Our methods teach children gentle, loving, healing kindness and universal love. The children we have worked with are very serious about the very important tasks that are required of them and more mature than their peers. No one can be harmed by Reiki, as it only cleanses, builds and protects.

After healing/treatments people usually feel revitalized and a sense of love, warmth and peace. We invite you to read some of our testimonials and then to give our distant healings a try.

Children can perform Reiki on all forms of life: people, plants, pets, food and water, friends and strangers, young and old… Anything and Everyone benefits from Reiki because it is Universal Love. Reiki does not belong, to any religious faith or religious organization. Its approach is universal – it IS universal love.

Practicing Reiki will teach your children to focus, to practice loving kindness, to develop a self love and awareness, to tap into their own inner powers, to help them to relax and to learn selflessness, where they will be devoted to the welfare and interests of others as well as their own. It will help them move through labels which they may have been given (ADD AHDH) and gain confidence and self esteem. They will be more aware of their special place and purpose on this earth and their sacred connectedness to all living things.

How can Reiki help
Behavioural problems in children are often linked with emotional traumas and their family situation. We accumulate emotional traumas from the moment we are born (even before) and throughout our lives these hinder us in our personal development and growth. Children who 'misbehave' are often externally expressing their anger at something they do not know how to deal with.

We believe that all emotional traumas carry a negative energy that stays within the body and needs to be energetically removed. We use Reiki actively to heal the negative energy associated with the traumas that are causing the child's behavioral problems. Once this has been achieved the pain from that traumatic experience will be gone and the child will no longer feel the negative emotions associated with it, dramatically altering their behaviour. Because parenting is such a vital component of a child's development we are happy to consult with the parents of children with behavioural disorders and offer them Reiki treatments to help improve their relationship with their children. Active Reiki offers amazing results with emotional traumas in adults and children, including traumatic events such as rape and abuse. We are happy to travel to schools and offer Reiki treatments to children (and their parents) with behavioural problems, to help them enjoy a better life and improve their academic performance.

Reiki Northwest
1414 Kincaid Ave
Eugene, OR 97401


"Thank you for being a part of the Positive Change!"

Reiki Northwest Practitioners!



"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." Written by Max Ehrmann in the 1920s